Saturday, January 02, 2010
Ave - Maria - Beyonce
"She was lost, in so many different ways. Out of the darkness with no guide. I know the cost of a losing hand but for the grace of god go odd"
2009 ended with a dissapointment for me. 2010 started off badly as well. Negativity going around in the house, people throwing things and yelling in the house. And then with all the people around me. I don't know why bad things comes around me when I tried my very best to be good. Sometimes I have to fake a smile to make everything seems right in my life. I have never been the one who would show people that I am down, better yet share. Unless I am desperate to. When one's angry at someone, the other one,who's innocent, get the treatment. That's the case for me. I have close friends to rely on, Sad, Yana, Diy, Dir, and a few more. But how long could I hold on to them. They have their own issues. Atleast, they have that special someone to share everything with. Everything. For me, who? This is the situation where it will all boils down to me feeling really lonely. This is where I got lost. But yet again, I cover it up by smiling at it. I been doing this since I was 9 years old. Yes. 9 years old. It's when I started to realise life is all aint being fair.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Blessed - Brett Anderson
Finally I am able to use my lappy back after almost 2 months went missing...More Updates to come. Promise. Yours Truly.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
People behave differently when they want something they want badly. Some to the extend of even backstabbing their own 'friend'.... Some people. Haiz.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Battlefield - Jordin Sparks
I am back after MIAing for almost 2 months now. Much to say but couldn't possibly let it all out here. All I could say that life couldn't be much better now. Except that yesterday was pretty hard day for me at work. All of sudden felt useless to my collegues. Couple of stuff I done it wrong and stuff that I don't even know. You put out so much expectation of yourself (because you don't want to let them down) and when you screw it up, you will feel the worst. Eventually, you're the losing end. Sometimes we don't have to have it all put so perfectly together that at times we have to just let it go. Life ain't perfect, we make mistakes to make life better.
Like the song goes: "...always look on the bright side of life..."
Talk to you all later. Adios!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Will You Be There - Michael Jackson
tell me will you hold me
when wrong will you scold
when lost will you find me...
...lead me
love me & feed me
kiss me & free me
i'll be there.....
No matter how far you've gone now, to me, it just feels that you are getting more and more closer to me . Ever since seeing you for the first time through the glass cube and knowing that I couldn't get close to you with all those tubes pierced in you, you don't know how much I wanted to hold u and carry you. But somehow, Allah has chosen this very day to take you away and that this day was the day HE 'permit' me to touch, hold and carry you since you are 'FREE' from all that tubes and glass cube. How cold you felt. How peacefully you look. How soft your skin was. From there I know why Allah would want you more. I didn't want to let you go cause I know I won't able to hold you anymore. But the pale skin of yours brings me back to reality. It kills me. I will try to look after your twin sister & twin brother like my own family too. I love you. I'll be there......
2 death in a day. It's too much too bear. Though I ain't close to you Nek Nyang, you are just like my very own grandmother who I cares and respects very much.
In memories of my 2 Grandfather, my baby uncle, Abdul Malik, Nek Nyang & Tengku Putera Muzsyaqil. I love you but Allah loves you more.
Friday, June 12, 2009
All My Only Dream - The Wonders
Yea! My Bro's is getting engage today. One down, 2 more to go (if you know what I mean). Everything in the house is all madness. From fixing up the tables, food preparations and dowrys. Infact right now, I should be helping out but I rather stay in my room. Can't stand the wheather these past few days. It's been freaking humid hot days. Even at night. Now, I realised how much I love the air-con. May the soul of the creator rest in peace. Mucho Mucho Love.
Diy & Ayu are now abroad. One is at Sydney and the latter is at Melbourne (*danger*danger). In a way, I envy. A good envy. Cause they get to go overseas for a HOLIDAY. Get it! HOLIDAY! I need those. God, how much I missed Tioman.
Another 'great shocking' news I got was about Megan Fox. Yea, the sexiest woman on earth as claimed by FHM. Well, as it turns out, OUR foxy Megan is a tranny. A tranny. Don't even know if it's true or not. But she did said it on one of the interview at the red carpet. The thing is, not sure if she said it for fun or for fact. So only time will tell.
I have not seen all of my friends for 2 weeks now. All of them. The only people I am with these past few weeks was with y collegues at work. Sad Life.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Love For A Child - Jason Mraz
Leave & off days were well spent. I have not been working since friday and my next working day would be this coming thursday. Purposely took leave just to clear it bit by bit. Anyway, met up with Zam, Diy and Dir on Fri for dinner and minor shopping @ Tampines Central. Along the way saw Ayub, who apparently was out-of-this-world shock to see me. haha. Funny man, Ayub-ready! Zam, I hope that day I wasn't too harsh or mean in my opinion on the clothes. I'm just giving my truthful opinion and plus, I want to make u look great. Honest. Sorry eh buddy! :)
On Sat, went to meet up with fellow Airport KIAsss for dinner at Seoul Garden. Damn the place is pricey for sure.
On Sun, went picnic with YANA and SAD and FAD and SHAIKH KADIR. Finally. Had blast with them and night falls, we proceed to Starbucks @ One Fullerton and continued cam fest there. Yana shared something MAJOR and pretty IMPORTANT stuff with me n Sad. I had nothing but love for both of these ladies :)
Then yesterday was my 'hang-out' with someone. It was ok. Had good time. Dinner at Lerk Thai and then early supper at Starbucks. I mean it wasn't bad. We shared songs in iTouch and my Samsung mp3. Some similarites. Yeah. So Yeah :) Too early to say.
And as usual, there are pics to show. Cause as you all now know, ridzwan now comes with a Camera :) The picnic pics will put it on the next entry cause there's too much of shots taken.
p.s. - I love my BB..haha!
@ Seoul Garden
@ Lina's Void Deck
@ my room , with just my PANDA! I love u, Panda :)