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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

    August 2006
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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Thursday, August 24, 2006
    Unbelievable -Craig David
    Juz finished watchin SI result show...


    im SOOO pissed with those who voted for Joakim, Jasmine and Paul..... are you guys serious enough to let either those 3 to REPRESENT Singapore??!!!......Come on lah, u guys are


    is it???!!! offense to those 3,i know it is hard for them (besides im juz saying out my thoughts)but it is just that i feel ppl like Mathilda and Nurul DESERVES to stay in the competition longer.....n besides it is a SINGING COMPETITION. We are looking for singers.....1st it was Mathilda out(who btw i think has the FULL POTENTIAL to WIN) and now Nurul??!!...............argh!! Anyway, today i slack too much at home. I reached home at 7am today cos i spent the overnight with Fir and Zam at Sunplaza.
    yesterday, i started studying my OB and damn!, there's lot of theory and facts to remember. Around 5pm, i went out to meet Zam, Fir, Fai (who btw, put on a lil bit of weight), Dir and Dee at Sunplaza. Teddy, hamad and Nur joined us later. Dee brought along her fren who look a bit lost....ahhahas! But he was a chill dude....ahahahas...niwei,over there i studied OB and only managed to reach Chapter 4. i really need to revise fast.......exams is like in 4 days time and i have not even finish revising.....OMG!!!!.....anyway tmrw i have to work till midnight....such a bummer..ahahas....ok den, gtg n

    Revise's some pix, enjoy :) (*Sunglass appeared curtesy of Mr. NazrulNizam...hahahas!)

    Friday, August 18, 2006
    No Promises - Shayne Ward
    yup! yup!...

    Life Feels So Good Back Again!

    .........DAMN!, i have never been this happy.....why?.....
    well, actually THERE'S NO MORE REPORTS OR ASSIGNMENTS that need to be handed in anymore!!!!!! was a TON of load off my shoulder........yesterday was the last day.


    Anyway, after school, met my mom dad n my lil sis to makan2 cos it was my Dad's birthday....we ate at Kampong Eden, at Telepark, somewhere near Tampines CBD......if i were a food critic, i would give Kampong Eden 8/10.....the food there is really splendidly delicious.....bravo!.....ahhas!
    N Ayu, congrats for accomplishing your 1st mission: getting to know loner's name, which is shahrul or is it shahzrul....don't know lah!....anyway, to the shah dude, please come to the front and 'claim' ayu cause i cant stand her searching for your timetable and 'torturing' Lina to help her find anything about you....*kesian Lina*....ahahahahas!!.....Ayu, u said me a psycho, but look at yourself....even i like plastic, i dun do all of that to her....i admit i look at her like im a psycho, but im sooo into her beauty *damn, i know yana n all r goona say "that's so gay" *..ahahas i dun give a damn!.....
    But whatever it is, im am not a girlfriend stealer. I know my limits....stealing ppl girlfriend is


    in my agenda.......
    ahahas.....anyway today, preety much nothing happen....just slacking at HOME...... n im running out of cash really soon...OMG!, SOMEONE pls donate!....*angel face*..ahahhas
    argh! im so mad at myself. dir, zam, fir and man are going to sentosa tmrw and sun (overnight) for NIKE REAL RUN. they asked me if i wanna join them. i really want to, but im working. i can make it for work on the sunday but i would be


    tired....and last sunday, they went to Bugis. I WANNA FOLLOW. They did'nt call me cos they knw im working....i miss hanging out with them...


    .........this coming holiday, i better make up for time i loss spending time with them!....
    Alrighty then, i gtg.....need to do some research on this watch brand, POLAR (*nvr heard of it before)................ok!

    Au Revoir!

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    Try Again -Aaliyah
    WOW!'s almost a week since i last update my blog.....get so tense!..hahas...niwei, i have been REALLY busy with finishing my never-ending-projects/aassignments...argh!!!...thank goodness left 2 more, juz need to add some final!...
    oh ya!..i owe Singapore a long overdue wish: (* waving singapore flag in a patriotic way)HAPPY 49TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!!...MAY WE EXCEL THROUGH AS A UNITED NATION!!!..hahahas!
    i received my 1st pay last wednesday...yea!!!....i was able to do what i planned to do with my pay..yea!!!!....and to my surprise, they were shortage of 7.5 hrs pay.....niwei, they will bring it to the next pay.....(they better be)......
    last saturday saw Sad, Intan, Cheeryn and 2 of Sad's fren...hahas!...i soooo envy them...there are so fucking free!.i mean they can hang out n all.........
    niwei, there is no school for me. but yet i gt to go down and hand in my Law Project....after that went to meet ayu n do MI proj.....otw to the lab, saw Zie and her fren rehearsing for thier presentation (reminds me of my time) does it turn out huh Zie??!!.....hopefully not as 'funny' as ayu's TCS presentation, where she laugh n panic all of the sudden....ahahas!!!
    after our MI LAB, me and ayu went home. AND TO MY DELIGHT, PLASTIC TOOK THE SAME LIFT AS ME!!!!!!...WOW!!!!........SHE'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PREETY!!!!!!.......N ayu was trying hard not to laugh all the way cos she said i look at PLASTIC as though im a pyscho!!!! (NO IM NOT!!!)....that TOTALLY made my day!
    OH shit!!!........gtg, need to watch ANTM!......Arriverderci!

    Tuesday, August 08, 2006
    Dangerously In Love - Beyonce
    this day offcially sucks. i woke up this morning, looking forward for my it turns out, in the end my tutor did not quite understand our groups presentation.!!!!......n i thought the suckiness of today is over but NO!!!!......after the presentation, me,ayu n sherlyn stayed back in sch to do, or infact, to start doing our EEMACC Assignment, which is due this thursday.......the suckiness part comes next.....none of us did not knw how to do.......thank goodness, there is stilL PRESENCE of people with kind souls to guide us ( u guys know who u r, RELI APPRECIATE IT) but there still exsist people who just said things like "you are seating infront of SHIT!!" AND "YOUR IN DEEEPP SHIT".....( ermm, yeah thanks alot..we do 'need that now')......niwei, Syam, Derrick and Cheryl, thanks alot for assistsing us (we really appriciate it, :).........
    so 3 of us stayed in sch till almaost 6.30pm...luckly we were able to finish part A...left Part B.........*SIGH* left, final report of MI, final report of PMI, final report of EEMACC AND final clippings of LAW....
    why oh why???...

    Monday, August 07, 2006

    How do I live - Leann Rimes
    yea!!!....i got my pay!!!! hair.....yea!...hahahas........laz weekend were great..i was able to sell 8!! was satisfying!!...but what the hell??!!..i gt my pay now....hahahas
    today, preety much e same...the day started out like this. woke up, my mom asked for help to slice raw meat cos she need it for cooking....(*wah sooo good boy*)..hahas...quickly, after that i went to the bank to deposit my cheque...hopefully i can withdraw the cash tmrw..ahahs...den got back home bath n straight to school......
    Me, Ayu, Lina & Sherlyn meet up at library at 10 am( im LATE as usual) ahhas...niwei, after that we went for DECAN bored!..........after DECAN we went for EEMACC lect and AS USUAL , i did nt understand a single FUCKING thing about wat the lecturer is talking about......
    after that 'knowlegable' EEMACC lect, we went to level 3 sitting area to do our PMI assgmnt...n to Ayu's PLEASURE, she saw her Loner n made eye contact with him...*pheweet*...but pls dun be too obvious cos later eldorado tau!!..ahahas ( ayu, i knw ur freakin mad with me right now)........
    ok, gtg watch the last episode of DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE!!!!

    Friday, August 04, 2006

    Deja Vu -Beyonce feat Jay Z
    Today is like any other day for me....except that i went to school for 2 hrs only....every fridays always 2 hours of schooling......waste of time!!!.....niwei, during school, had my Accouting quiz 2....DAMN! it was so easy (Ayu and Sherlyn, i think u guys knw why)....niwei, after the quiz, we submitted our DECAN proj to Simon Chu......then straight we go to lab to START on our Accounts Report......

    on the way there, Me, Ayu n Sherlyn bump into Ayu's loner...hahahas....N Ayu was blushing....(*red face,ayu*).....hey Ayu!, he seems to ignore u lah...hahas!....niwei, i wanted to ask his name for Ayu, but she pulled my hand....see gerl, u wasted u chance to know him!!!!.......

    then in the lab, bump into Yana & Herman,Sad n her frenz (sori guys, i can't remember you name)......all was printing out their DECAN Report......

    after finishing the Accounts thingy, we went to KFC to makan....yea!!!!.....

    met Haidir, Zam and Fir for Friday Prayers, as usual im early...ahhashas....niwei, after our prayers, zam n dir asked me if i wanna go back sch with them...n i said no. cause i need to complete my MI Report ,SORRY guys!'s been quite a while since the 4 of us hang out &lepak.....i made a promise to myself that, comes this holiday, im gonna make up for this 'Lost' for my frenz and family....since started working rarely is there a time for me to spent with them......

    speaking of work, I'm still kinda bump cause i have not still get my pay yet!!!.....mayb i could wait for a week more....

    ok!...guess that's all i have to say to finish up my MI report n then sleep cos tmrw work (dun knw if im really looking forward to that *sigh*)

    pIx of me in lab

    Thursday, August 03, 2006
    Officially Happy!
    survivor (remix) -Destiny's Child
    Happy? Why?....well, i got my own blog. That's why!....hahahas Actually, i had one before but i only used it once....niwei enough about my blog.
    Yesterday night i almost freaked out. WHY?.......PMI draft, OB quiz, OB presentation, MI report, Accounts Quiz and Accounts Proj...all of these need to be completed by tiz week cos their submission is next week...argh!!!!!
    But today, my wonderful tutor, Simon Chu told me that the Accounts Proj is to be handed up by next Thurs.....gosh! what a FUCKING dumb at accounts cause i did not take it during sec sch, DUH!
    after completing OB presentation, me, ayu, sherlyn and lina study for OB quiz....n surprsingly, it turns out to be really easy....yea!!!...i think can get full marks...hahahas...(* tap my own shoulder* "wan don't be toooo cocky")...........
    after school, 4 of us rush to the only Lab that have DATASCOPE.....cause the whole of BZE 2.1 wanna use the lab for the MI's fucking lab for 8 classes....fuck ryte?!...fortunately, we reached there early......hahahas!!!
    niwei, here's a couple of pix of wat we do there and some other pix:
    me n sad......
    sad n ayu

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006
    Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the 1st EVER BLOG from the ONE and ONly
    YAHOO!...finally i started my own blog...actually i wanna do it a long time ago but i kinda dont understand the blog system thingy. (call me dumb or wat, i dun give a fuck!)...and now i got my own blog....hahas!!!!...yeaa!!......