Sunday, September 17, 2006
Tears In Heaven-Eric Clapton
hello!!!....yesterday when back from work with Ayu and Yana.... at the MRT, as we were bout to enter, Ayu and Yana saw this dude literally kiss this other dude hand. Ayu and Yana were all freaked out!!!...hahahas...n one of dude went in the train with us n as the train start to move, he literally 'hand-kiss' the other dude...hahahas...OMG!!!...sooo geli sia!!.....hahas......btw, Yana juz remember to hang on k, n dun do that stupid emo stuff!!!'s totally NOT WORTH IT!.....lately, i been through some stuff and in some situation that helps me further understood the meaning of true frendship...n im glad that im in one! (infact,lately, i realise im in alot of those) juz glad that they look up to me as someone who they can lean on and as someone who can provide a ear to listen to their problems really thankful guys!...i'll always be there for u guys!........
here's a no. of ppl i hardly see lately n i kinda miss them:
- Sadrina
- Lina
- Sherlyn
- Haidir
- Rahman
- my poly classmates
- Dee
- Diyana Harun
- n those who i did nt mention.....
niwei, here's the sentosa pix that i promise u guys: enjoy!
Zam n Me....
fir n nadz
busy body ppl....hahahs.....Zam,Nadz nad me
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Ring The Alarm-Beyonce
im back!!!..hahahas....Been MIA for quite some time..hahahas!!..niwei, gt my pay already..wah! sooo happy!!! hahas...niwei here's a lists of things that i bought:
- Oceanus Body Shower/Gel from body shop
- Beyonce'S B'Day CD (*MUST BUY!!!!*)
- Shayne Ward CD (*MUST BUY!!!!*)
- Duncan James FuturePast CD
- A top
- 2 Bermudas (Black n Green)
- 2 bottles of Cocoa Butter and Walnut Body Scrub
- A Slush perfume
Yup, that's all.......n now im running out of cash really soon...hahahas....niwei, on the 6th sept was Diyana's Harun birthday...n me,her,hamad,zam,fir and Nadz went to was soo relaxing n chill n i can't wait to show u guys e pictures...ahahahs....not nowlah cos it is with Diyana and Nadz...soon k...niwei, gtg cos tmrw need to meet yana at 2pm to cut my hair thin not short (maybe slightly short)...hahahas!!!...ok......toodles!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
- Joakim out of SI
- School holiday is here
- Can spent more time with family and Friends
- And work.....earn myself extra pocket money!!!