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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    Say It Right - Nelly Furtado
    Life's fool of shit!
    I'm so so so bored.stil in sch. On my way here, i took bus 15 (which was jam pack by the way) with Sherlyn and Wei Ting. During the ride, there's this pakistani- looking-girl standing. Out of the blue, she turned to Wei Ting and told her off, saying : WOULD YOU CARE TO MOVE IN???!!......and Wei Ting don't gave a fuck about her!....hahas..that's so fun to watch.yeah.lame.i know.
    Ayu msg me later on, saying that she's still eating prata!!! when actually she said that there's a class when i msg her yesterday...she better make sure that next time she's eating prata she shld get for me n sherlyn also. If not, i ask you to kiss that Bhai!
    Then saw that fucking poser!!! god, can't take it...a bitch with an innocent face.
    Yesterday, after sch i went back n forth TM & CS to look for Lily Allen CD and it turns out that everY CD store is out of stock. wah!...
    In the end i bought 5 VCDS:
    1. High School Musicals (fun to watch: 3/5)
    2. The Devil Wears Prada ( top notch performance from Merly Streep, although she's like a bitch in the movie, she brings the class n it! Anne Hathaway is soooo fucking preety. 4/5)
    3. The Girl With The Pearl Earring (not watch yet, but bought it because of my Arts Presentation)
    4. Bringing Down The House (not watch yet)
    5. Step Up (not wathc yet)

    Alright.lots n lots of assgnments to hand in...veerrrrooooommmm!

    Au Revoir! ( i still dont understand what im going through)

    Sexy Back -Justin Timberlake
    1. Got a new haircut (which ppl say i look like a FUCKING ____)
    2. Got a new top
    3. Got a new friend from friendster
    4. Got a new MP3 player (Samsung K5, BTW, the one with the speaker

    MoVING oN PeOpLe..