Thursday, March 15, 2007
Beautiful Liar
Beautiful Liar - Beyonce feat Shakira
Thank God!...i rEALLY DO.....i feel so blessed....
I passed my exams. All thanks to the support of all my friends and Family. I treasure them forever.
The result are all quite good! I'm satisfied!
Lets not kill the Karma
Lets not start a fight
Its not worth the drama
Read this out loud n CLEARLY . Go watch Beyonce and Shakira's Beautiful Liar Video...I SWEAR this is the most sexiest video EVER!!
The song is quite nice too..amix of RnB and Latin...
You guys dont' know how this video really make my day!
OK!....I oWe Lina her sori lah lina..but itu hari aku nk bawak kau ckp jgn...anyway im using it for inspiration..hahas
I owe SAD her Body shop card which i have yet to return still...hahas..sori Sad..
Dreamgirls is AMAZING!! There's a lot of music though. Like a Hindustani movie...Beyonce look so ever preety in the movie. Jennifer Hudson is quite an actress, she' very believeable as Elfie. n the other one is soo funny, she's like the joker for the group..Overall, i enjoy myself..
I CAN'T WAIT to watch the movie, '300'
CDs to buys:
1. Dreamgirls Soundtrack
2. Dreamgirls VCD n DVD
3. b'dAY rE-released album ( includes the 'Beautiful Liar' Song)
4. Corraine Bailey Rae
5. Curse of the Golden Flower VCD
ok!, i guess, now u knw that i'm a Beyonce Fan!....but not Freak!...she's just soo preety, hot n talented...i wanna wife like her...*yah, dream on Wan*