Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Nouvelle Vague - Ever Fallen In Love
LIFE. it's a tricky and complex 'thing'.
I am hating my life and loving it at the same time. There's always people out there saying this and that...y the bitching when u can just say right to my face. It don't really matter to me. To quote Christina Aguilera's " You are beautiful no matter what they say, cause words can't bring you down", even how true and lovely the song are, i have to say that i disgree with it. Words can be utterly powerful especially when it comes from someone u care. Sometimes it can be so powerful that it can change someone's life. You will never know what u say may have a MAJOR impact on that person. So, think before u do! or think before u say
MON: It was one of the best day in my life ( so ironic?!)...hahas. And that is because i laughed from morning to afternoon with Ayu, Linah and Sherlyn. While Linah and Sherlyn was doing thier simulation Animation, me and Ayu was editing,re-editing,re-re-editing..then when everytime we don't know how to go about it (which happens frequently), we will, for sure, flip to page 108 of the textbook to read the definition of Seize Delay, Seize Delay Release and Delay Release. Me and Ayu will laugh about it EVERYTIME!...hahas!. During our break, we all decided to watch TRANSFORMERS on the opening date. It was freaking hilarious what happened when we want to buy the tix using AXS machine. Only the four of will know.hahas!
TUE: I didn't do nothing much for our project,infact, we did nothing. That's because the whole day each of us did the SIP book/Report. The 3 of us, then, accompany Linah to Century Square's Prima Deli cause she wanted to order a B'day Cake for her Dad.After that, we went to this lush Chocolate Pastries Booth at TM, just outside Charles &!...the double choc taste like heaven!!..hahas. Although, i found it to be quite expensive. Went back to school, played Sherlyn's Nintendo DSLite...IT'S FUN playing Cooking Mama.
WED: Woke up late for School!!..hahas...Anyway in school, i went straight to do my SIP report. Then, had this Yau Tau Fo dish for lunch. It's YUCK!.TasteLESS!!. That's the first and last that i am gonna eat that dish. After break, we had ICE-CREAM Connetto.yup, food again! Then played monopoly with Kenneth and Hafiz, and yes, again, i lose. Joined Ayu, linah and Sherlyn at Breadboard arnd 4.45pm. Just slacking around.
My parents went to JB and got back Dunkin Donuts!..ermmm..yummy!
Since being attached at NTUC, my cravings for food has been quite uncontrolable. Darnly fat! Yeah!-wACTHING TRANSFORMERS TMRW!!
Trust me! It's Delicious!
Friday, June 22, 2007
I'll Follow You Through The Dark -Deathcab For Cutie
Tuesday: Did’nt do anything much for my project. I’ve always get interrupted either by msn or someone/Something..i think I don’t have the discipline to do stuff that I don’t really like ( who’s does, right?!)..During break four of us were talking about donuts and all of the sudden we started to crave for Donut Factory. So Sherlyn, Ayu and Linah decided that I should go and buy for all of us since theY did the last time. Anyway after break, I just continue doing other stuff than project.
Wednesday: Wake Up at 7am. then Went to city hall to buy Donut Factory. the queue was surprisingly short. Probably it takes like 10-15 minutes till I was being served. Anyway I joined the queue. I kept standing for like an hour and I SMSes Ayu and linah saying that my knees are forming to ‘jelly’… haha… so, what the hell, I just sat down on the floor.then the couple beside was eating BK breakfast..Haiz. This pple are really testing my patience..hahas…. the shop opens, much too my excitement..ahhas..cause Ayu, Linah and sherlyn have to queue for 7 hrs..while for me 2hrs, max…hahas…When my turns comes I just gave her the lists of donuts and the quantity we want. Much easier than to say. Went back took MRT This apek look at me like as though he never see ppl before!..damn!..Anyway here’s the pix of the 2 dozen of donuts: YUMMY!... u guys have to try the double chocolate and the White chocolate with the strawberry jam.WOW!

Lately, I felt like im pissing my frends off cause I talk alot..hahas. I know it sounds dumb lah but. I don’t know.This thoughts just come and go.So, yeah. What the hell!...hahas !
:) Wan ; ]
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fake Tale of San Francisco - Artic Monkeys
MON: Clock-IN at 8.45am. Open laptop and start. We did the cleaning of data. Preety hecktic (or hectic).THEN played monopoly. Clock-Out at 5.30pm. SENT email to Tham and Theresa. Received a key to a locker.When back home, continue to key in data into Excel. And at the same time watch Hikmah & Desperate Housewife.11.30pm lights out!
TUE: Clock-IN at 8.58am. Open Laptop and start. Continue key in data to Excel. Begin Draft out simulation model. Then went for break at KFC. I had meltz meal and an additional O.R. bURGER. Then bought Famous Amos Double Choc Muffin. So yeah!, Any minute now, i could get a 'Letter of Invitation' from the The Fat Group Association, to join them. hahas. Went back to school and played Spongebob Monopoly. It was fun. Sherlyn won. hahas..Not fair though...
Alritey then.GTG!
"What you done here is put yourself between a bullet and a Target..." -Citizen Cope, singer
Sunday, June 03, 2007
" I neglect you when I'am working.
And when I need attention I tend to nag.
I'am a host of imperfection.
And you see pass all that.
I'am a person by some standard....."
"You see the potential in all my flaws.
And that's exactly what i need..."
" I don't why you love me.
And that's why I love u.."
p.s.- To my LOVING family and my WONDERFUL friends, I just wanna say'I LOVE and Treasure u guys very very much'.....weee!!!!!!!!!!!