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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Tuesday, July 31, 2007
    I don't feel like blogging today, but here i am.anyway, came late for school.friends help me clocked-in.did report (modsim lab and MI particulars).back home.go to mini gym..

    yeah. i just feel lazy.thats why i got big ass.literally.

    Friday, July 27, 2007
    The Way I Are -Timbaland feat Keri Hilson & D.0.E


    it was a dull day. As usual. went to school and did the process map description for loan as there was inconsistency. In the mean time I told ayu to do the loan simulation improvement .Fuck. I hate simulation. Sherlyn and Linah are pestering us to complete the Loan simulation.haha.Fuck.I hate simulation.yup. Preety much that is what we did. Oh yeah. then we went to book for "THE SIMPSON MOVIE". Then after clock out, went back home.yeap.boring day for someone who hates sitting on chair 24/7.

    Sad, just wanna say to you too just hold on ok. Friendship mana yang takda ups and downs. There's always a message behind everypit falls and that is to make sure that you climb back up. From my opinion, i think that serynna felt like she's losing a good friend. That's why i think you need and should make her feel that you will be there when she need you. I felt the sincerity in both of you guys post. I hope you guys could get it together and work it out.Don't let the 6 years of friendship go to waste.

    p.s.-i love her.Thanks to her, i'm beggining to believe in love.


    it was better than yesterday. activity-wise. And that is because, i had dinner with Fauzi, Muhsin, Ris, Raihanah and Diyana. before i get to that, in sch, i saw 'Britt' a.k.a Natasha. for once, i saw her wearing a pants.long pants.kudos. she always wearing hotpants(shorts) which kind of ..... . But, she got nice legs though. Gosh! she's so hot. and project-wise, well, i did current process and analyse of current simulation result. to find any improvement, which is of no use cause there isn't any.Fuck. I hate simulation.

    Anyway, after school, took bus no. 8 with my couple of 4: Linah,Ayu and Shelyn.hahas.Drop off at interchange and went to meet them (mushin and all) at mrt station. haha fauzi really really lost a lot of weight.mushin still maintaining.Then, me,mushin,Fau,Rai and Ris went to food junction at CS to have our dinner.i was actually thinking of going to Seoul Garden but, since muhsin said earlier that day that he don't like Seoul Garden, i just shut up and keep walking.hahas. i had this rice with 3 meats and a fish and a SMALL cup of orange juice = $8.50 + $2.60. Fuck.Fucking expensive!.ARGH!. Then Diyana came.And all of sudden Farhanah was insight.haha she and her bf. i can't remember his name cause everything happen so fast.yikes! Sorry farhanah. But he's nice guy.I am happy for you farhanah :) After dinner, 6 of us went around TM and then enter Toy'r'us and makes a fool of ourself there. unleash the kid in us.haha. and guess who i saw??!! Elma (working there) and Mr.tight-jeans-bleeding-balls (playing cushion roses with his friends) haha. then we went to of the best arcade visit for me.All say.then,when done, we all decide to went back home. At the interchange saw khairuddin and then shahid, with his i met lots of old schoolmates.wHat a day. then had a pleasant journey ride home with muhsin and about school stuff throughout. I like this kinda conversation. something real.

    p.s.-I love her.Thanks to her im begining to believe in love.


    i can't really remember what i did for today.except that we went to modsim lab to print some work for our MP book updates, which is still not up to date still.haha.msg diyana to confirm with her when and where to meet me to accompany me shop.yup.Anyway, watching "The Simpson movie".duuuh huuuh tommorrow.can't wait.wooohoooo!!!!


    came late for school and asked linah to help me clock in. me and ayu went to modsim lab to do our simulation for improvement. and FINALLY, we was able to get one improvement. and that is to reduce the calls interference.haha. i bet u guys don't wish to know this.yeah.ok.sshhh.well.

    "The Simpson movie" was fucking hilarious from start to end.really.haha.Although, i slept for around 10mins during the show..haha..don't know why. show ended and head down to McDonald for an apple pie. then went straight to town to meet Diyana. She ends work at 6pm and i reached town at i went to tangs to meet up my old collegue, Cameron. Wanted to meet Damien, Ray and Steph too but they were either not working or at different outlet. So i just stood there at the counter with Cameron and talk to him till 6.20pm. then Diyana msg me. And whatelse, shop!.It was a quick one though.hahas.on the way to somerset mrt station, saw Arriffin.kena posted at Tampines HQ as media something something. is there such department in CD?!hahas.


    went to school.clock in for linah,ayu and sherlyn. i was alone in the group doing my reply online description. then went to prayers with Dir.Came back and went to Itas for lunch with Dir. Then, this dude all of the sudden came to our table and salam us. when he left,

    Haidir: "Ur fren?"
    me: "no..I thought ur fren!"
    haidir: " no...i thought ur fren"
    me:"oh. okay"

    after lunch went back to lab and start doing my MP book, which i eventually fell asleep. my air liuh came out twice and i quickly wipe it..haha..then linah said that my air liuh came out and i replied "no!!! no!!"..hahas.just to avoid it.haha..n yeah. after waking up, i went to pack stuff and head down to breadboard. as i was packing,

    sad: "why your hair sexy ?" (it was abit messy)
    me: "oh, i just woke up"
    Shu jie : "omg!, ur sexy when u wake up"

    haha.i know its strange why i put this. but,hey, it's very rare to me for people to be calling me sexy.haha.gosh.vain moment there.but really, it's rare for me. though, i don't know if they really mean it or just fooling me or just say it for the sake of saying.yeah.haha.Anyway, went back home with Haidir and Zam. And saw something happened that breaks Linah heart.haiz.What can i say. We all sucks at love.

    Lately, i been deprived from my sleep. I need to sleep ENOUGH.

    Photos to do the talking.

    tops that i bought.

    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Why does every good thing that i have done, comes back n bite me in the ass. It just breaks my heart. It's like everything that I have done is never good enough.It's not like im begging for a good return everytime but it's nice to have one, once in a while.

    Friday, July 20, 2007

    Love is Dead - Brett Anderson
    "nothing ever goes right, nothing really flows in my life. No one really cares if there is hollow in my head...Love is dead"
    Finally, the weekend is here. Came late for school again and asked Linah to help me clocked- in. Diarrheoa early in the morning. Reached school and continue doing the report.Life preety boring..My dad's b'day coming really soon and i don't know what to buy for him.seriously.
    Went to FRIDAY prayers with Fir, Dir and Zam. The Qubah was slightly longer then usual.After prayers four us went to NTUC Income nearby to apply a job as McDonald Delivery Operator...n the receptionist said : "Since you guys did not have an appointment with the HR, we will give you guys a call if your a shortlisted"...
    DUh! Like Dir said, we obviously wont get a job.. clueless.But I'm gonna give them a week or two...Then head down to Qiji (pronouce key-g) for lunch. I had this fattening.hahas..n here im, back in school. Probably Meeting the members later at night. and tmrw, going JB!!!...dONUTS AND sECRET rECIPE bROWNIE..hmmm..yummy!!
    Reminder for me: (this week)
    *update my MP Book
    *continue update handbook
    *do report description on loan
    *mon: did simulation
    *tue:went to MI lab and Modsim Lab and do report
    *Wed: Go MI lab and do data analysis
    *Thur: sent email to theresa for customers particulars
    *Fri: Do report on Loan Description & Lepak
    *Sat: Go JB, project, jog with zam n dir
    *Sun: SCH WORK
    Next week ( Sat), going out with Sad and Yana and drop by Tangs and Paragorn to see my loveable collegues.
    Wan :)

    Monday, July 16, 2007

    Robin Thicke - Lost Without You

    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya babyI'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    Tell me how you love me more
    And how you think I'm sexy baby
    But you don't want nobody else
    You don't want this guy
    You don't want that guy
    You wanna touch yourself when you see me
    Tell me how you love my body
    And how I make you feel baby
    You wanna roll with me
    You wanna to hold with me
    You wanna stay warm and get out of the cold with me
    I just love to hear you say it
    It makes a man feel good baby
    Tell me you depend on me
    I need to here it
    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    Baby your the perfect shape
    Baby your the perfect weight
    Treat me like my birthday
    I want it this way
    I want it that way
    Tell me you don't want me to stop
    Tell me it would break your heart
    But you love me and all my dirty
    You wanna roll with me
    You wanna to hold with me
    You want to make fires and get norwegian wood with me
    I just love to hear you say it
    It makes a man feel good baby
    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    Cause you will tell me every morning
    Oooohhh aww yeah baby
    Ooooh yeahOh babyOh darlin
    All right right
    I'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya babyI'm lost without you
    Can't help myself
    How does it feel?
    To know that I love ya baby
    It's just S.E.X.Y.

    Friday, July 13, 2007

    Pins and Needles - Billy Talent
    ok.Today, for my project, none of the four of us did anything.Linah arrived, and i attacked her for the DUNKIN DONUTS and ate 3 of it. oh. By the way, thanks to Linah and her dad for treating us the donuts ;)... Then, had KFC for lunch and gosh!, the prices went up. All thanks to the 7% GST increase...
    After school, went to have a small gathering with some of my secondary school classmates. hahas. Somethings just don't changed. They are still that funny peeps i know.Afzal and Sajid had a car already. Wonder when's gonna be my turn....errmm..Sitting there with them and listen, makes me reminisce of all the good times i had with them being classmates and friends for 3 years..hahas..good old times. SAJID lost all his baby fats..hahas...hyqel, grew an inch taller....Afzal, still abit londeh, but looks more matured and hadilah, looks cuter..really..but it's so cool seing her riding bike.hahas.....Sajid sent all of us back home.
    Gotta start planning a new gathering and this time round maybe we play bowling.
    "The world said that Living happily ever after don't really exist. But knowing that my loved ones are there right beside me, supporting and guiding me, it gives me no doubt on the possiblity that it would. Love my family and friends" - Wan

    Wednesday, July 04, 2007
    Read My Mind - The Killers's how my day goes
    reached lab, open laptop, plug it in and turn it on.
    Edit my simulation model (which is of no use). On the other hand though, i partly completed the model animation thanks to one of my dearest friend, Linah...hahas....
    then, had luNch ITAS and ate Oysters Chicken Noodle; Preety good, i must say.
    Reached back to the lab and played this, Bejeweled game online till 5 plus. Me and AYU had a hell of a time trying to find and match the 3 colours together. Yeah, and i think we did annoyed some of the students in the Lab.hahas...
    Anyway, i think that's all i wanna say. Yup, i know it's preety boring. that is,basically, how my life at TP right now!...boring!
    Oh Yeah, to the TP students, go and try out the NEW CAFE at TP. Though it's expensive, but worth the money.
    Currently into these lebanon song, Bastanak..really nice song. but the translation of the lyrics is really deep. as in really touch your heart.
    Suga Mama by Beyonce is TOTALLY INTOXICATING!
    Annoucement: To all my LOYANG SEC SCH classmates.
    Initially, im having dinner with some of my LYS classmates on the 13/7 (Fri) at bedok simpang around 7.15pm. If you guys wanna join pls give me a call or send me msg at friendster A.S.A.P. It can be like a small gathering but you guys are paying for your meals..hahas. I can't confirm if there is enough space for those who may Yeah!