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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Thursday, August 30, 2007
    i was reading 'my best friend's girl' when my mom said : "do you want to eat Munchy Donuts?"
    hell yeah, i do. so i get ready as quickly as i can and then went out of my house and go to Eastwood ColdStorage to get 2 boxes of 12 of Munchy Donuts. however, as it turns out the 2 flavours that i wanted the most was still not ready yet. the server told me that i had to wait for 30 mins. So, i did. i got so tired and freaking bored waiting for just only, 10 mins. so i decided to have something. so i went to The Ice Cream Gallery. the menu there is superb. it's a small shop. but their waffles and homemade ice-cream got a the TNP recognition. but i was in no mood for waffles in the late morning (11.30am) so i had this root beer float with the Belgian Chocolate.YUMMY!

    sat in the shop for like 40 mins. then i went back and got the donuts. and went back straight home. ate 7 donuts in total. thats like, what, 2 kg add on to my fucking ass.haha.but u know, thats what i had for the whole day. mayb i was not in the mood for rice or that i had a heavy late breakfast. i don't know.

    had some miscommunication with some of my good friends today.but all is settle and no point talking about it. i love u guys :)

    holidays are job=no extra pocket money! whatcha gonna do?

    Nizam.Haidir.Diyana.Firdaus.Ted.Fairuz.Rahman - i really miss them. (bila nk ada outing lagi?)

    root beer float w/ belgium ice cream

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007
    Through with It
    I always try to make the effort to 'swallow' everything, every shit, that people i loved gave me but somehow it got stuck in between and make me want to puke but yet again, i hold on to it and 'swallow' again because deep down i really care for them.
    at times, i am hating,blaming, doubting and feeling stupid and useless of myself. knowing that i'll never be good enough for anyone. i don't know how long i could take to put up with these. I don't want to be smiling away pretending that it's fine when it is totally not. But somehow, i gave in. I smiled.

    till now, the only thing that i know that gets me through is that deep down, i know that i will. So it's all on me now.

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007
    Poetically Pathethic - Amber Pacific
    went to Salvation Army Spree with Yana. 3 outlets. Yup, 3- 2 at Changi and 1 at Serangoon. you can actually find some really nice stuff's second hand. you've got to search THOROUGHLY. I got myself a camera bag (which i don't actually really need it) and a 'Nescafe' bag. A total of $6. told you it's preety cheap. Yana got herself a bodyshop mists (which is still haven't been used and it is not expired, i think) and a topshop top. yeah, u read it right, topshop. total costs of $7..haha..sometimes i don't understand why would people would want to throw away these 'nice' stuffs..on the other hand it benefits people like me.hahas.we get a good price for that. other than that, don't expect to find nice2 clothes.tough me...anyway, we will be going again next week to another 3 more outlets. although i don't know what to get. But i'll get something. At the end of the day, the sales that Salvation Army get from selling the donated items will be given to humanitarian needs (Charity). So, must support.
    i'm officially overweight.
    height : 1.69
    weight: 71kg
    I need a personal trainer to get me back to shape. i really do. Free service.No fees.Anyone?..haha
    Plus, need to control my daily food 'festivals' cause fasting month drawing near.
    Oh yeah, my mom just brought home Dunkin Donut.ok.gtg, need to eat the donuts. Btw, try munchy donuts.Worth your money. 2 kinds of Donuts in 3 days.I think i found the cause for my overweight.
    *donut-ing off at 10.42pm*

    Sunday, August 19, 2007
    Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
    *lying on the green grass with her and look up to the bright blue sky and hold her hands tightly*
    *how i would want to lay there with her forever and how she meant the world to me, how she colours and bring rainbows to my life*
    *she was crying on my shoulder and how i tell her that life has to move on and she'll have me when she needs me*
    *how everytime i turn around and looked away, my thoughts of her just fillled my mine- i smile*
    *is all beacuse of you-what did you do to me*smiles*
    *walking together along the shore with both of feet in the cold sea and coarse sand and cool breeze wind slowly whispers*
    *watching sunset and whisper softly to her ear ; "although the sun has set, my love for you will be bright enough to help you get through the night"*
    *you came and changed my whole world now; somewhere i've never been before*
    *never before, felt for someone like this*
    but, it ain't happening. cause i know she don't..... *goes on*
    p.s.- bet my friends are going to say 'this is so gay'..haha.i don't care. non of you guys feel the same way as i do..but don't worry, i still love you guys.
    wan :)

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    this video is damn funny.humor.

    and this is the real one.

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007
    Better Than Me -Hinder
    I was reading my testimonials.all of it. It was nice and sweet to be reading the testi that my friends gave me.earlier ones. Then something just bolt in to my mind. How much I have changed. I'm still the same guy as before(responsible, kind sweet, friendly - from the testimonials) except that I'm now more (open)-minded, and straight forward. Speak-out more often.Enough of about worrying what people really wanna say about you.The time has come for me to care more about myself than i used to. But i know where's the limit. Egoness and cocky-ness ain't going to beset (encompass) me. Plus, I'm laughing and having fun more than before. It's all about living life to the fullest each day. You will never know when your time running out.
    Stop Poverty.World Peace.
    wan :)

    If you aint there, ain't nobody to be impressed

    cause the way that you know what i thought i knew,

    is the beat in my heart says when im with you

    but i still don't understand, just how the love your doing

    no one else can

    support the fight against poverty in africa.
    world peace.

    wan :)

    Friday, August 10, 2007
    We Need A Resolution -Aaliyah feat Timberland
    all alone inthe lab.My 'wifes' left me all went to follow her brother to renew passport lah ,the other one went to follow friend buy pants lah. then the other one i don't know why she left.haha.see. leave me again lah and i will keep calling you guys my 'wifes'.haha
    wednesday. After school accompanied Sad to bugis cum marina. G200 was having 70% sale. So as any other Singaporeans, she got herself a pant, shirt and skirt.all formal. She needed it.hmm.ok. On the way to dinner, we bump into Sheikh.He's getting skinnier.i told Sad and she said, "same what!".hmm.ok.After dinner, we went to Marina Square staircase.haha.yup.staircase. the one facing esplanade.not the one inside the shopping mall.haha.Then begin the photo shoot session.haha.we laugh and took crazy pics.really crazy.and.oh yeah, im gussing any minute that Fad's friends gonna bash me up.haha.Sad, i think you know why.haha.
    Thursday. It's Singapore's 42nd Birthday!!! but i didn't really watched the show.well, not reall didn't.i actually did but not really.get it?! yes?..haha.ok.earlier that day, i went to Sharifah's sisters engagement.two sisters.she was so excited that her sisters are getting engaged.well, if it was me, i will be too. i mean, i am still waiting for the day my brothers getting married. Anyway, thoughout the time we ( me,ZAM, fir, Dir and Diy)were there we kept distrubing Dir's and Sharifah's 'engagement'.haha.Dir was pissed off though.haha. It was just a joke.Then, we did some photo taking.n then went to TM arcade..
    Today. Early in the morning i got shitting session. It was all because i ate mee soto at 11pm yesterday.The feeling of sensation when the shit was about to come out was disgusting.yea!!!..then had breakfast at McDonald's.and i started to feel like shitting again.i guess this was one of my secret for not putting on weight and look fat.yeah.i do.Then met Diy, Dir and Zam. THANKS Diy for the treat.She treat us Pizza. Next time, Swensen.ok.haha.muka tk tau malu.muka tembok, itu pasal ada double chin.haha.
    im looking for a job.i really do.
    wan one :)

    Tuesday, August 07, 2007



    wan :)

    Love, me -Raye Collin
    Nothing beats the feelings of love from you loved ones. Sometimes it makes you aware how important you are to them. Thus, makes you appreciate them. I'm falling for someone. I think. I don't know if it's just another monkey crush or if it's a true feeling. Love is powerful yet tricky. It will fool you as it had fooled me before couple of times till i lost the trust and hope in it. Until this person came to my life. I ain't telling who. So don't bother asking.Good Day!
    I was watching about this documentary about this villagers being traumatised, killed like animals. It's so painful too watch. How could this be still going on. Those innocent kids,womans,mens.People. They are human beings, for god sake. I prayed the best for those villagers. If you want to view the videos, just copy and paste this url : (thanks to Yihao for posting it)
    Some love lyrics from some love songs:
    "I'm falling even more in love with you Letting go of all I've held onto I'm standing here until you make me move I'm hanging by a moment here with you " - Hanging By a Moment, Lifehouse
    "You're my past, my futureMy all, my everythingMy six in the morning when the clock ringsAnd I open up my eyes to a new dayMy laughs, my frownsMy ups, my downsIt's the feeling that you getWhen you know that something's trueWhen I think of love, I think of you"
    -When I Think Of You ,Lee Ryan
    "(I'm) I'm in love with youYou set me freeI can't do this thing called life without you here with me cause I'mDangerously in love with youI'll never leaveJust keep lovin' me the way I love you lovin me" -Dangerously In Love, Beyonce

    Thursday, August 02, 2007
    well, i didnt go to school today cause my mom was sick and i decided to stay at home and look after her. not because i have to but i want to. thanx linah to help me punch-in...yikes.again.

    yesterday i was doing my loan project report when linah was browsing the internet for food.u see, if TP has an award for Food hunting or that there was a competition on food hunting, i guess our group will emerge as winners...period. each one of us are good at knowing where is all the good food stall located at. For instance, yesterday,Linah Ayu and sherlyn was talking about this fast food stall called Poppeye, which I have never heard before. So, we went there that very day. And i must tell you guys that the price is the same as KFC and the quantity was much better than KFC. But the mash potato taste awful though. Other than that , hell yeah. its good. Especially this pasrty bun that they will give in every meal. It is sooo crispy on the outside but soft on the inside..its really excellent. i would give 4/5.oh.btw, to my muslim friends, it is Halal-certified. yeah. so don't waste your time and hurry down to Popeye!!!