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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Monday, September 24, 2007
    Fallen Leaves - Billy Talent

    OK. I listened to Hairspray's song - You Can't Stop The Beat, practically everyday. Well, what made it more worst is that I even saved the song lyric in my lappy so i could sing along when ever i want to. This is what i normally do when I am free. I looked up to every lyric of every song in my Mp3, saved and memorised the lyrics. I really do. ok. So there you go.


    Friday, September 21, 2007
    Love Story - Katharine McPhee

    went out to buka with Yana and Ayu at sempang and then head down to Bazaar Geylang.
    too much happening can't pour details out. Later.

    look what we found on a bus stop seat - a used condom.nasty

    'Joss Stone' & 'Nicole Richie '

    The Labucis

    Thursday, September 20, 2007
    Radiohead & Portishead - Blow Out

    Laziest brothers, I have

    Can't stand my brothers at times. They are some of the laziest people i know. They would do anything they want to and then make a mess our of it. And when my mom told them to clean up they would say, "later". That, in their own definition means, "No I won't. Later someone will do it for me". And that someone will mean either me or my mom. ( ingat maid ke ape?!). I swear, i really can't stand them sometimes. If it's not PS2, it's their dirty clothes all over the bedroom floor or it's the food wrapper. Some household chores, they can't even volunteer to do. Like just now, the toilet was in a mess and I can't even think myself to be bathing inside. Then, I had no choice but to clean the toilet cause i can't stand looking. I mean, what's the point of bathing when the toilet you used is dirty. It's like bathing with dirts - you won't be clean even how much you scrub yourself.

    Sometimes they can't use thier own initiative (common sense) to do all this simple little stuff. I always told my mom that i can't wait for them to get married and get the hell out of the house. Spare me and my mom the trouble to clean up for them. I will pity the girls who end up with them. For sure there will be alot of cleaning for them to do. I think the only group of women that my brothers are suitable to marry off are Maids cause they are trained to clean up. Or I think, I would move out of the house first.

    But, I love my brothers. I mean, who doesn't love their family right?!. As much as they drives me crazy at times, I love how they completes the family.The fun and laughter. All grudges just disolve. I enjoy Laughing with them. I just want them to be more apprieciative of my parents and please clean up your own mess.

    So, it's a bittersweet love I have for my brothers.

    Today, just finished baking Chocolate Chip muffin. It's not nice nor it's bad. After a week of fasting, baked 3 kinds of cakes - Nutella cupcakes, Chocolate Cornflakes Macaroon and Chocolate Chip muffin. So yeah, I've got a thing for chocolates. Anyway, atleast im doing something. Freaking bored at home.

    Chocolate Chip mini muffin w/ choclate frosting

    burnt Chocolate Cornflakes Macaroon ( all thanks to Ayu!)..haha ;)

    sucessful ones

    Pictures at Changi Outing

    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S.!

    What you want to do in 10 years time?

    Something that just pay the dues or something that really excites and get-you-going every time you do the job?

    Both. That’s my answer. Having a career that you love and at the same time helps pay the dues is what every civil minded Homo sapiens would want.

    An old school friend of mine, Ariffin (a.k.a. Bum Arffin) appeared in the local malay newspaper today. How much he has changed, from being a school dropout to one of the local’s most well-known photographer. Some of his shot will be published in The Rolling Stone magazine. See, what I mean. So young yet have achieved so much. Rezeki dia. Alhamdulilah.

    It’s been 4 days of fasting but it felt like 4 hrs. It’s damn fast. Next thing you know, is Hari Raya.

    Friday, September 14, 2007
    changi outing was short but fun. i didn't swim but in the end i got wet.
    i didn't know that you need a licence to set up a tent at the beach there.But it's free though. so,yeah.
    Zam.Dir.Man.Fir.Lu Ayy.Tipah.Ted.Diy - 7 years of fair share of ups and downs and wonderful memories.

    Met Diy new's bf. U asked me about my opinion and i already SMSed to you.haha. I'm happy for you, seriously. *smiles*

    well, the cupcake (not much of a cupcake but more to kuih. don't know lah!) 'quest' was a success.haha. i didn't over baked it.all goes smoothly. i decided not to coat it with nutella. so I just filled it in. Brought some to the outing and they kinda liked it.haha *smiles*

    I already got an order for the cupcakes. Yea!

    before baking

    i know what you guys thinking - it looks like sh*#! but thank god it does not at all!!!

    Thursday, September 13, 2007
    I'll Be There For You -The Rembrants
    be willing to put it in.but not out
    be willing to want it all.but not giving it back in return
    be willing, is all we need.
    "twinkle twinkle little star,
    how i wonder what you are.
    Up, above the world so high
    Like a diamond in the sky"
    "twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are."

    Monday, September 10, 2007
    You Can't Stop The Beat - Hairspray

    can't wait for tomorrow.the beach.the sand. the company of friends. the excitement boils way before.haha. fasting month is in less than 2 days. can't wait. (*to lose weight and then gain back more than what i lose at the end of the first day of Raya*)

    went to accompany parents to sheng siong to buy groceries and ingredients for baking. yup. the person here is baking cupcake with nutella filling and nutella coated. baking tomorrow morning before i go out for the day of beaching. i happened to bump into ZIE at the supermarket. both were smiling the minute we saw each other. *muka mak aku bukan mcm cina. haha. klau gitu, sal anak dia yg 'hensem' ni muka macam thailand?!!..haha. aku rasa muka mcm latin adelah!..haha.perasaan*

    then went to bedok simpang for dinner. had chicken tom yam and 2 OREO COOKIES MILKSHAKE. the milkshake was delicious. the best. it blends milk, ice and OREO cookies together. finish off with heavy cream topping and generous serving of chocolate fudge and an OREO COOKIE at the side. *licking*

    today watched HAIRSPRAY 3 times. more to come. wanna dance to the songs. so remarkably directed and choreograph. at times, was hallucinating myself being as one of the main cast. i wanna be like the crazy, outwitly done old guy, who's looking for a time machine to go back in time where Jimmy Hendrix play fire with his guitar, in the movie,PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS.

    yea!.puasa.raya.salvation spree.buka with friends. baju raya. beach - events to come and birth another wonderful memories in the year of 2007.

    Sunday, September 09, 2007
    Creole -Beyonce
    went to JB yet again today. after customs, went to Aliff restaurant for breakfast. had chicken murtabak and plain prata. one word :YUCK!. So is the gravy. then after that went to JUSCO and got a baju kurong. nice nice. hypnotised my parents to go FISH MAHATTAN RESTAURANT for lunch. two word: LOVE IT!
    - Tuesday changi outing with members.

    Saturday, September 08, 2007
    Blame On Me - Akon

    played monopoly with the 'slim river' friends.haha. And as usual I lose for god knows how many times. Lina always win by making lots and lots of houses and hotels and as for Ayu, she's just stubborn.haha. She always wants to win. That's what she said. Then Lina's mom was so lovely enough to cook something for us to eat.awww.haha. Yah. I love the fish nugget.hehe.*hint*hint*

    went to west coast to eat and then to expo and bump to Diy.
    mind the blue-ness of the pic.something wrong with ayu's hp cam.

    Friday, September 07, 2007
    Hey Jude - The Beatles

    This is random entry. It's just that there seems to be a trend that girls/women want to be as stick thin as Nicole Richie or Mischa Barton.SICK.

    Losing a kilo or 3 is fine. As long as you don't go losing weight till the verge of looking like a walking skeleton and that you look so fragile, that a slight push might break you into pieces.

    Some women who i think really execute sexy, poise and are confident and comfortable with their body type. REAL women.

    So you girls decide.

    Wednesday, September 05, 2007
    Love Today -Mika
    too weather.3kg.
    ejekan lina yg buruk.haha.

    caught in the act.tau pon shocking.jgn buat lagi.haha

    ideal footwear for cycling.

    the right drink for the all activities.The Healthier Choice.

    monkey name 'Green' and monkey name 'white'. the trainer(in red) trying to tame them.haha!!

    Tuesday, September 04, 2007
    Beyonce Giselle Knowles

    Happy 26th Birthday.

    Superstar.Singer.Actress.Song Writer.

    click on the image for better view

    Sunday, September 02, 2007
    Oh SALMON, what a day!

    imagine yourself covered in the blissful smell of raw salmon! It's just awful. Last Friday- what a day!

    The day kicks off perfectly as what i wanted it to be - not too hot nor too cold, just cool cloudy weather. Went to Friday prayers with muhsin (coincidentally). meet my dad and saw ayu's brother. On the way back, saw Dee laiman - driving. she stopped directly at my side as me and muhsin was crossing the road. Damn she look great driving the car! But i will look better driving than her.haha.

    then later that day, went to accompany Sad to buy b'day cake and present for her beloved, lovey dovey bf, Fad. met her at Raffles place and i told her i want to get these moist chocolate brownie with the nutella filling..hmmm. so we walk like 5 mins and it happens that they don't sell it anymore.hell yeah, they don't (what a day - no.1). then we went to Royal Cakes to place an order for a B'day truffle cake. But this aunty was instantly rude to Sad the moment Sad enquire something. So we just went away.(what a day - no.2). then went to Banquet nearby and ate this homemade TomYam - thick gravy but generous serving. (what a day - no.3). then we walk to Peninsula, from Raffles Place. throughout my armpit starts to sweat, a little. well, i could use the exercise and the wind sure do helps alot (what a day - no.4).haha. talked about what to get for her bf cause she still have no idea exactly what to get.

    as we reached Peninsula, we went to this watch shop. then sat infront of 7-11, still thinking what to buy. then saw Fauzi.

    In the end we went to Londales * i don't how to spell right* to buy just a wallet. All of the sudden, this sales dude said: " If you want i can give you my 30% discount"

    that's true. Sad and me exchanged look with each other. And i told her to get her bf presents here since the guy offered to let us use his discount and Fad loves Londales stuff.haha. Sad was abit worried that the guy wanted something in return. But no. we spent like an hour in the shop and in the end she bought a t-shirt, a wallet and this cool vintage looking belt. all at Londales. the guy, even gave us some goodies (what a day - no.5).haha. so morale of the story is that it's good to go to a shop and bring a preety girl along with you for discounts.haha.then we went to order the cake and then had a pitstop at coffee bean.

    we ordered - 2 bottles of Snapple drink, 2 salmon quiche, 1 Mud pie and 1 plate of salmon creamy pasta * i don't know the name of the dish, but i do know it had salmon and it was sooo creamy* and we were totally full (what a day - no.6).

    after and hour plus in there, we had some photo shoot session.haha.(what a day - no. 7)

    then we went back and all of the sudden Sad had an upset stomach and she said because of the salmon dish.haha.excuses.haha then i waited like 10 mins for her to finish her business then part our ways. In the station as i was waiting for the train, a couple of chinese teenage girls had a fight with this 30-plus-looking chinese dude. the were yelling about suing each other for molest/rape.haha. i was actually giggling to myself as i watched them.( what a day - no.8)

    then in the train, i realised that i smell totally like salmon. it's not that obvious but at times u can actually smell it. i tried so hard to cover the smell. in the end, i realised it came from my hands - the smell. yeah. (what a day - no.9).haiz. bee raining this past few days.good to sleep.fuck work!