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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

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  • Dir
  • Dir 2
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  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
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  • Zam
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  • Surianti
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  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
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  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Monday, January 21, 2008
    You Got - Melee
    spent most of the time in school till 9pm with Diy and Zam yesterday. Each doing individual project. Damn! my supply chain is like hell. I really don't know how to go about doing it and the submittion is due this Friday.Great!
    My post-graduation holiday to Bali is most probably cancel cause I've got not enough money. My dad did not want to pay for the air and accomodation fees (though i said i would like to borrow and pay him monthly). I was really looking forward to it. My last holiday before i go serve the nation (whatever!). I can't pick up extra shift at work and that make it more sucks.
    Anyway, can't wait till Feb 15th. Last day of school.
    My stomach is still 'suffering' from 'pak long syndrome' ( bulging stomach). Want to know why?
    Last Friday ate at Celebrate Sad's B'day at fish n Co with Ayu,Lina, Sherlyn,Yana, Shu Jie, Zhi Hui. Then on Sat had quite a meal at Lina's house with Ayu, Sad and Sherlyn and later that night ate at Diy's Chalet with Zam,Dir, Ted and Lu Ayy. Then Sunday, had a 2hour sitting at Seoul Garden with Faliq. His treat. These 3 days of 'Food Festival', only one time 1 shit! Thats why, I am now 66kg. But physically i look like a 62.haha.ok.
    Ok now. Cloverfield sucks. Can't live up to its hype.bETTER watch it online.

    Sunday, January 13, 2008
    Southern Stuff - Anthony Hamilton

    stuck at home the whole day doing CRM. This automation is killing our group. None of us were sure how to go about doing it and tomorrow is the evaluation day.mampos.

    2 more months of schooling then 'ORD'..haha.Nope, that's for Ted. The correct word is graduation ya'll.hahaha. But till then, numerous projects and assignments due dates to be met. whoopie!!

    Ted, cepat grow rambut. nak dekat ORD kan..haha

    I need a proper planner where it's compact but has enough room for me to write down my daily activities. Ouh. This friday and Saturday is the 9th and 10th muharam and according to dir, it's the auspicious day/s to fast as your one year of sins is forgiven. He told me he read it at the malay yeah, why not right.

    Tue: CCOM RESUME & Cover Letter, Study CRM QUIZ
    Wed: Start Supply Chain Individual project
    Thur: CRM Quiz 2, Supply Chain Tutorial 3 & working
    Fri: Engineering Career Seminar & Sad b'day dinner with the 'wives' at Seoul Garden & sheesha
    Sat: Diy Chalet with 'hooha' gang
    Sun: Working


    March 08, can't wait (if save enough lah)

    hungry? me too

    Saturday, January 12, 2008
    Let it out - Over With this
    It's funny how people react to the things they read. I am not saying it's good or bad. Just saying it's funny. All those true anguish and frustration starts to pour in.
    It's true friendship is not just about being there for each other, it's about understanding each other. But ask yourself this, trusting your so-called gf, whom you despise alot when you broke up, more than your friend, whom you have friendship with for years, you called that understanding?! And you when i asked something about you, you will said only you and the other friend of ours would need to know. What does that said about you.Infact you are doubting the friendship and that completely shows where you stand or infact, where do i stand?
    Then right now, I got the feeling that you are trying to get back with that person. At the time you broke up, you said she's going to be 'loose' but you look at you now. Who's worst? There's a malay saying : sudah luda, jilat balik (translate: after you spit it out, you lick it back). Damn you are desperate. But hey, you know what, this is your love life. Don't want to bother.
    What got me laughing also is that you said we need to be matured about it and you said faking it is not. And that we need to be open and confront each other. Then, look back at what you said, you said you are acting diffrently because thats how you felt and you want to see how open that person can be. Ok. If you are so 'WISE' and 'OPEN' enough, then why is there a need to act differently? Why don't you just be open and confront. There isn't a need to 'see how open' that person is. You got to fucking stop with all this 'mini-test' of yours. Want to do this to see how this person react la? want to do that to see what the person say la? It is nonsense. Plus, I am faking it because i cared about our friendship and i don't want to jeopardise it. Is that wrong? Even if i confront you, you think you would be able to take with all your ego?
    I have, or infact, we have confront with you about ur attitude and we tried to correct you. And you said you will change. You did. But not for long.
    Then you go about saying how i did not show that i do not forget my friends. Ok. If you interpret that me not chilling with you guys as often as i did previously, as showing that i forget my friends, then fine I admit. But come on man, if that's true that is a stupid STUPID reason to base on. If you are so good at telling people to ask themselves why, Did you ever asked yourself why I hang out left often?. Did you. Like you said, look at a different angle. Plus, yes, i am tired because i got work and school and sometime i am too lazy to meet you guys because i am just too damn tired and if not, i need to do complete my school projects that dues very early. I am sure some of our friends would know and understand.
    If i am not wrong, i am the only one in the group that are juggling both work and school and you need to start being a good friend, and the least you could do is to be understanding. Of course it's easy for you to say that your tired and that your busy with something and you can still often meet. But asked yourself, where do we often meet? And when we meet, what do we talk about? you will go about bragging what you did or how many girls are aftering you or that you and your other clan did this and that and that it's very cool and funny. you see. everything is about YOU YOU YOU. It's not that I do not want to hear, it's just that talking about the same old thing over and over again, it kinda bores you. And i bet, some of our friends would agree to this.
    And since when did i ever ask for someone to care about my feelings? Who is the one that brag about themselve? who's the one being self-centered?yeah, people change. But somehow, you are not those people.
    Frankly speaking, I am grateful to have you and the rest of the guys as my very close friends. But obviously, at some point of time some of the actions i made may contradict otherwise. But that doesn't mean that i am not grateful. If you said you are, did you ever think back on what you did, would it impose the same feelings.thoughts to him. And if you know your friends do not like it when you do stupid things to them, then why the hell did you do it?
    I have always been compromising but you tend to see it that I am not. And stop all the bullshitting of one day your friends are gone. It's just too immatured to use this scenario to push everything in your favour.
    Sorry is a strong word. But then again, with your ego, you did not believe in them. And sometimes, saying and showing it together, goes along way than just showing it without having to say. Of course you can say your happy that people are negative towards you because you've got no sentiments. And did i see a 'sorry' at the last part?..haha. That's weird. Thought you didn't believe in saying them.
    But you know what. I have been thinking and reflecting back over these past few days (see, not only you reflect, others did too). How life is too short for all these. Seriously. If you think this is about you by all means feel guilty. And i guess i have said enough and i just want to end this and move on. I am just going to go with the flow and see what god has plan out for me. I don't care if you even want to get back at me. From now on, I don't want to take anything to seriously and i admit, at times i can be really uptight on things because i thought after all these years of friendship i thought you knew me well. But i guess not. Anyway, I seriously hope for the best of our friendship. Yahoo!!

    Thursday, January 10, 2008
    Built To Last - Melee

    Just got back from my dinner with my family. Celebrating my mom's 44th B'day at Bilal Restaurant. I was too busy munching all those dishes to even care about the 5 SMSes in my handphone. Anyway, the food there was preety ok. But personally abit too costly (though i'am not the one paying). It's better at Simpang or Jalan Kayu or Restu Seafood Restraunt, taste wise. But their butter prawn is the best one i tasted so far.

    Took my Napfa yesterday and i failed...or so they say. Thank god it didn't rain heavily yesterday and that they did not cancel the stations. For all of the stations, i got mostly Es, so based on the criteria i should pass. But you know what, i don't give a damn. My body is aching like hell. But all i need now is just someone to give me full body massage.

    I am done with work and all i want to do now is to concentrate on my projectsss.(emphasize the Ses). Since working, felt like i have not been contributing enough for the group. Now is the time. But i can't wait till the date of Feb 15- my last day of school. No exams.

    personal reminder : inform christina ng and joan d'cotta on changing interview date due to med check-up.

    I realised that when you gain something, for sure, in return you will lose something. You can never have both. One day u meet new friend (gained) and the next thing you know, your current friend whom you care about 'turn around and spit you in the face' (lose). After all these times i swallow all the fucking criticism and mood swings and being there for you, this is how you repay me. DAMN!. All i want in return is to atleast be appreciative and i never asked anything more than that.

    In other words, they were not there for you when you need them the most and they would just simply say something (without thinking) and fucking pull your morale down and just simply fucking ruin your day. But right now, all i can try is to just think about all the good stuff they have done for me and all the great times i have spent with them. I am willing to put all these to end for good and I am still trying. I am good at faking my feelings. most of my friends knew that. So if i am still faking it, that means i care about our friendship cause sometimes these little things are unnecessary and surfacing it out may simply jeopardise the friendship that we all have built to last.

    The Melee

    a great band with great sounds