What's Good With You - Beyonce
I used to think that skinny people are 'cool' and look good in anything they wear. But after yesterday, not anymore I am. It freak me out and I am worried that one day, anyone of my female friends might look like that.
It's all about balancing not starving.
I still remember Ayu kept saying she's fat when actually she's not and kept complaining she have big thighs. I think Loner can't be your BF because he's skinny and everyday you will always compete with him, seeing who has the skinniest thigh -_- And Ayu, why are you getting skinner day by day? Don't lah! Sad been telling me not to bother you and never to tease you. And Lina, is right I guess. Me and Ayu would always like to piss each other off. haha! -_- ...ok.i bet ayu's going to take her fathers car and knock me down.haha.Sherlyn will always be the quiet one (sometimes..haha!) and she's one of the healthy skinny friends I have :) . Yana- can never be bored with her. I love and miss you ladies :)
Ladies, what do you gals look for in wedding gowns/dresses?
Vera Wang. Help me!!!
I love these past few days. Just been slacking around at home. Gotten myself full-complete hours of sleep and wake up with a smile stretch from one ear to another. Like as though i had great sex the nights before.
My cravings for Dir's Nasi Sambal Goreng has been full filled last Monday.Thanks Dir.
My 2nd brother has completed his 2 years of National Service most of it was spent at the Infantry or whatsoever. His ORD ceremony was short and simple. But the reception sucks - the food, i meant. Took some pictures but wish not to put it in here.
As much as i love to stay there longer, my parents and I wanted to leave quickly to avoid the massive traffic jam at woodlands Checkpoint (they wanted to go JB, whatelse). And boy were we right. Thanks to Mas Selamat, the checkpoint has been intensified. Not only at woodlands checkpoint but also within Singapore where he would possibly be located at. It was funny the other day me and Yana were talking about the possibility of him escaping and what will happen to us and we also trying to figure out exactly how he was able to escape. You guys won't believe what stupid answers we came out with and shared with each other.
After JB, went straight to Penin to alter 2 more of my 70s pants (that's what i call it now) and then met Sad at her work place at Spinnelli and chill there till my parents fetch me. Waited for like 3 - 4 hrs yet to no avail. Then Sad ( fad-perry dress)was so sweet enough to gave 3 free drinks and a discounted chocolete truffle cake, which was damn yummy. Oh, and i applied for a part-time job there and was interviewed the same day and 99.9% getting it. So now i have 2 jobs. I know. What the hell am i thinking right? But you know what, I am not schooling anymore. Rather than sitting around at home during my non-working days, might as well i use that free time, get another job and make money.
And to Yana, it's best to let go caused he's not worth your time. All he did was just to make a bitch fool out of you. If he ever said that he will change, then best yet not to trust him. Trust me. I know some people who told me to take thier words into account that they would change, but nope. No matter how much the emphasise they gave you. So, don't worry you have other good friends to keep you occupy ok.
random pictures for to feed random thoughts.

I want to eat popeye.K bye.