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Life's meant to be live this way - Happyness have to be pursue.Shitness have to be bitch about!

Meeting Moi!
  • Ridzwan Hussain
  • Townsville Primary School Loyang Secondary School Temasek Polytehcnic
  • Sickness: Design Apparel Irritate friends (but they seems to enjoy it) Making People Laugh
  • Hopes: World Peace People being open minded Opening up my own clothing shop People not afraid to express thier views Peace Peace

  • Wanting It!
  • Money to travel around the world
  • Nikon d40x
  • Vintage, Basic plain tees

  • Blogging Scandals!

  • Sadrina
  • Ayu
  • Ayu's LJ
  • Sue
  • Sherlyn
  • Sherlyn new
  • Lina
  • Yana
  • Yana 2
  • Zie
  • Zie's 2nd LJ
  • Intan
  • Dir
  • Dir 2
  • Fir
  • Diy
  • Diy 2
  • Fify
  • Farhana
  • Zam
  • Yihao
  • Surianti
  • Serynna
  • Raihanah
  • Bum Ariffin
  • Bum Ariffin Gallery
  • Hafeez
  • Justin
  • Hafiz
  • Kelvin
  • Elaine
  • Estella

  • YOUR SHOUT in!

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    Layout! ©
    Designer: Poppierazzi
    Sasha Tivanov
    Wednesday, August 27, 2008
    Love Arcade - Party

    Last Saturday, went to Southern Ridges with Diy,Zam, Ted and 2 of his friends, Fir, Lu Ayy and gf. It was raining heavily when we were on the way to Harbour Front. At that point of time, Diy and me were thinking of a Plan B cause the rain doesn't seems to show any sign of deteriorating. Zam and Ted and Fir were hungry, so we decided to go to KFC instead. Lu Ayy and gf came and met us there. We sat there for like an hour making jokes about Lu Ayy being Mr.Barney ("Hey Kawan-Kawan!"). Eventually the rain did stop to a drizzle and we decided to go ahead with it. Once were drop off from the bus, I saw the Henderson Waves Bridge. It was pretty high up. The next thing I saw was these group of stairs that was leading us up to the bridge. I started to complained - to myself. Ted started off being the first one to jog up and indeed, in the end, a quarter from the start point, he was out of breath. And so were we by the time we reached ONLY the starting point of the bridge. We walked to and back and forth. Then we end up at the top of Mount. Faber. By the time it was late evening and the view there was absolutely worth it. Some Singaporeans (and that includes me..haha) complained about Singapore being a no-show tourist spot for us singaporeans. Basically we said that there's nothing for Singaporeans to enjoy here in Singapore and that Singapore is boring and costly. Well, actually this trip prove me wrong, partially. haha. But Singapore is still a very costly place for us to live in. Right?! I just like to say that part of the reason I am looking forward for that day outing was that I thought I get to meet up with a close, good friend of mine, Dir. Have not see him for more than 3 months now. But eventually he was not able to come. I'll just leave it as it is.

    Anyway, after alot of picture taking, we decided to head to Cityhall to catch the fireworks. By the time, all of us were pratically tired. So, Diy suggested to take Cable Car and I am so thrilled cause it's only the second time I took it. The last times was when I was 9years-old. Me, Ted, Zam and Fir were in one cabin. Lu Ayy and gf and 2 of ted frens are in the other cabin. Fir and Ted were trying to scare me and Diy by standing up in the cabin whilst it was moving. Fir was irritating the most at that time. HAHA. He was like moving and shaking the cabin. Come on, you are like 15th to 20th floor above the ground. Of course you won't entertain this kinda crap right? haha. ingat fir! haha! We took loop around sentosa and drop off at Harbour Front. And head off to Cityhall. We thought the Fireworks were over or postpone cause it was still drizzling. By the time we reached Fullerton, the fireworks started just in time. Great Display of Fireworks this year. When it ended, Diy and Lu Ayy and gf went back. Me, Fir, Zam and Ted slack around Esplanade while waiting for the crowd to lessen. I went off then to meet my parents to head down to Mustapha S.C.

    Yesterday, went to J.B. with parents to buy Baju Kurong. I seriously don't have the mood to celebrate Hari Raya this year. Don't ask me why. At the same time got myself my toiletries because it's cheaper there. Saw Linah at J.B too, with her parents. twice. haha.

    I got myself a Seagate External Hardrive of 160GB for $114.90 . Cheaper than the other store that i visited. Some went as high as $149. So it's pretty good deal right. And now, I am at peace whenever my brother use my Lappy (lately, it seems like it has been his) cause my files ( pictures exactly) are now back-up. Finally. Thanks Diy for the help! :)

    Today, i ate 35 pieces of Hershey nuggets Dark Chocolate Truffle. I finished off the whole pack. haha. And I am sooo content and happy and satisfied. I do hope sex are exactly the same as eating chocolate, or so some people had said that before.

    Tioman pics is much more alot than these. So, I am just gonna upload it next time. But here's a little preview.haha

    Friday, August 22, 2008
    Lucky - Jason Mraz feat Colbie Calliat
    I am back from Tioman. And man!, it was an awesome trip. Going on a trip, it's not about the place your heading that is most important. It's the people that you are going with. And I truly enjoyed my 3d2n at Tioman with my 'sexes' and Fadly. I got darker and my face are having breakouts due to the extreme heat. But it's worth it. Going Snorkeling was the peak of the trip. Clear blue sea, beautiful fishes and beautiful scenery. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful. Somehow, i felt like a spoiler cause I kept rushing Yana, Sad & Fad to hurry up for something. Afraid that we are gonna miss the boat and whatsoever. Yana like to kick people in bed like how she likes to kick me when we are in Tioman. Right Yana? Tioman excites me alot that I accidentally kicked Fadly bald head. I was damn shocked. We were suppose to climb down this metal thing to go into the sea. Instead of letting Fad let go of it, I quickly turn over my leg and hit his head. hehe. Sorry Fad. The next trip with the sexes would be Bangkok. Probably in 1 year. Photos of the trip will be post next time cause I can't stand the lagging of blogspot in uploading photos.
    I wish to go overseas with my another favourite cliques : Diy, Fir, Zam, Ted, Dir n all. We should go somewhere too :) Anyway, will be meeting them tomorrow to go to Southern Ridges ( the longest bridge in singapore? ) and then head down to Esplanade to catch the fireworks. Bet tomorrow night, the commutes gonna be a 'bitch'.
    As the NS day draws near, I am scheduling myself to be busy on everyday with having to do something and anything I want such as exercise regime (yeah, right?!), meeting friends, late supper with colleagues, etc, before I am being deprived of this freedom.
    I noticed that I like to make people panic for no apparent reason. Liked how I smsed Zie asking where Elise stay as there was a fire coming from her area. And as it turns out, it was fire from JB PETROL Tank ( yup, I can see it from Pasir Ris. No lie.) It came out in the news that early night but I only noticed it later.Waaadaa!

    Listen to these 2 sing is like an orgasm to my ears.
    Beautiful Song.
    Truly don't regret buying Jason Mraz CD.

    *atleast listen to half of the song

    Tuesday, August 05, 2008
    My All - Mariah Carey

    I am left with a month till I am being tied down by the government to serve the nation. By force. Yet, there's still so so so much to do. I am really looking forward for the Tioman trip and the Southern Ridges explore. Somehow there's something in me that says that I am looking forward for NS. I don't know. Probably because I won't be able to go out as much as I can and that means I got to save $. So, we'll see later, when I am in. It's feel like forever when you want things to end fast but it feels like seconds when you want things to last. It's so unfair.

    Went to JB after work last Saturday with Calvin Klein collegues. 8 of us went but we ordered for twice the size of 8 people eating. So we occupied 3 tables. Effa ordered quite as much and it seems like are one greedy bastards. After makan, we went to Pasar Borong and man, it's still open even after 1am. Damn, there's life there! I got back home around 5.30am. Then the next day met Diy, Ted and Fir and watched The Mummy at Vivo. I thought after the 2nd instalment of The Mummy, this one is gonna be really bad but no! It was as great as the first & second. Not bad! I want to watch love guru! Watch Jessica Alba danced hindi. It was hilarious! Go watch it at YouTube.

    Aint't it cute, Sad?

    use Loreal, it works & face it, you're worth it! haha

    I just missed my long hair, thats all.
