Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Show - Lenka
I got to cut on my spendings from now on. Seriously. After receving the letter saying that I owe my dad's CPF $5300 for using it to pay for my dipoma fees. Plus, working for the government (being in NS that is) doesn't really help that much. Infact, alot.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Letter Read - Rachael Yamagata
" my love my love, how could you do this to me...
my love my love, you were supposed to be..."
Awesome week this week was. Though it was tiring at the beginning but the long weekend truly remedy it real good. From shopping( shirts shopping with family) to hang outs sessions(with rangers) to photo hunt (Sad) to fashion show (Calvin Klein Underwear spring/summer '09). My course is ending in less than 10 days and that means I've got to go back to normal 12 working shift hours. Truly must savour the office hours these last remaining days of my course.
By the way, JUSTIN, you got the wrong person and hell yeah, I am gonna whack you if it gonna make the 3 of us awkward. haha. I swear I'll make you more gay-ier than you already are, man. haha.
Photo-hunt2 @ 'Suicide' & fullerton one

hang-out session @ jalan kayu & DE
pretending only. I don't smoke.
Calvin Klein Underwear Fashion show (after show)
tra dum dum