Friday, June 12, 2009
All My Only Dream - The Wonders
Yea! My Bro's is getting engage today. One down, 2 more to go (if you know what I mean). Everything in the house is all madness. From fixing up the tables, food preparations and dowrys. Infact right now, I should be helping out but I rather stay in my room. Can't stand the wheather these past few days. It's been freaking humid hot days. Even at night. Now, I realised how much I love the air-con. May the soul of the creator rest in peace. Mucho Mucho Love.
Diy & Ayu are now abroad. One is at Sydney and the latter is at Melbourne (*danger*danger). In a way, I envy. A good envy. Cause they get to go overseas for a HOLIDAY. Get it! HOLIDAY! I need those. God, how much I missed Tioman.
Another 'great shocking' news I got was about Megan Fox. Yea, the sexiest woman on earth as claimed by FHM. Well, as it turns out, OUR foxy Megan is a tranny. A tranny. Don't even know if it's true or not. But she did said it on one of the interview at the red carpet. The thing is, not sure if she said it for fun or for fact. So only time will tell.
I have not seen all of my friends for 2 weeks now. All of them. The only people I am with these past few weeks was with y collegues at work. Sad Life.